Monday, December 31, 2007

New Years Resolutions...

I resolved a few years back I wouldn't do them anymore....guess I broke that one ha!

But this year, Scott and I both decided that this is something we wanted to do. We are writing them down, reading them every day, putting every prayer and effort possible into keeping them.


1. I resolve to check my book and send birthday cards/anniversary cards/everyday cards to those I love. I will do this on the first of every month, a reminder has been fixed on my computer so I won't have the excuse of 'oops I forgot'.

2. I resolve to be conscious of every bite I eat and every drink I drink Monday - Friday. My aunt has been doing this diet...well, not really a diet just behaving on the weekdays and splurging on the weekends. I will drink more water and less tea/soda. I will watch my sugar and those foods that make my sugar levels jump.

3. I will take my medications every day. I will keep my caddy full every Saturday and not use the excuse of we can't afford it this week. If a medicine is bothering me I will tell the doctor and get it changed.

4. I will make a budget and we will abide by it 100% in January and if we fail...we will seek professional help. With me not working a budget is essential! We will put no less than 50 dollars into savings each month and NOT touch it for any reason.

5. I will scan every picture I have and those that other family will allow me to. I will make albums for my brothers and my parents by the end of this year. I will take more pictures at family gatherings and each year send an album to Tommy in Colorado.

6. I will without fail begin each day with prayer, connecting with my Savior so my days will get better and better with His guidance. We will make every effort to find a 'Home' Church by July. I will start doing my daily devotions and sharing them on FC.

7. I will do one more year of temping, charting, minimal medications to have our child. During this year I will get my blood pressure, diabetes and pain levels under better control and hopefully lose enough weight to make a difference. If no baby by Christmas, we will pursue no more than 6 months worth of trying using more extreme medical intervention. If no baby we will intensely go down that road of adoption. Learning more starting now about adoption, get some of our ducks in a row so we can be prepared and maybe lessen the length of time it will take to bring a baby home that is born of our hearts.

8. I will be a better sister, daughter, daughter in law, aunt and friend. I will meddle less and listen and love more. Before offering my two cents, I will ask myself if it is coming from my heart...from a good place in my heart or if it is just something to get a rise out of the other person. I will love with less conditions, I will not let my relationships with one person effect my relationship with another.

9. I will sing more often, I will buy one soundtrack a month to increase my library and increase my opportunity to share my God given talent and His message with others.

10. I will make a schedule of things to do every week and do them. No matter the pain level I won't spend my days in bed unless it is totally unavoidable. I will not let pride keep me from letting people help, letting them in to my little world and help me do the things I can't.

11. I will finish my knitting and crocheting projects and have them ready for next Christmas. I will be more creative with it and learn as much as possible.

12. I will read this often, posting them on my frig and in my purse and on my blog. I am asking Scott and my friends to keep me accountable and journal about my successes and failures. I will realize a slip doesn't mean I can forget that certain resolution.

I am woman, I am a Christian woman and I can do anything through CHRIST who strengthens ME!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:27 PM

    I resolve not be a hindrance to any of my wonderful wife's resolutions and I will keep all my resolutions as well.
